Spotlight on SureMDM: Streamlined Device Asset Management

Running smooth operations feels like a tall order when your organisation heavily relies on mobile devices and various portable assets. Through our customers, we know how daunting it can be to constantly manage a large collection of scanners, smartphones and other portable equipment vital to your operations. But what if you had a software tool at your disposal that not only simplifies device management but also centralises the entire process?

Today, we’re introducing 42gears’ SureMDM. This recent addition to our broad collection of asset tracking software is the lifeline your organisation needs for effective and reliable device and asset management.

Understanding SureMDM

42gears’ SureMDM is more than just a mobile device management software – it’s your remote control for asset management. A multi-faceted tool offering more than meets the eye, SureMDM is uniquely designed to handle more than just your typical mobile devices. It extends its usefulness to managing devices like barcode scanners and mobile computers.

The key to this system’s popularity is its simplicity. It streamlines device asset management by providing you with a centralised platform from which you can perform all your tasks. It tackles the anxiety that comes with scattered information by centralising everything you need to manage your devices successfully.

This software system simplifies your device management by offering a platform that does everything – from remote control and application management to security compliance. There’s also no need for any technical expertise to navigate through the platform, so anyone on your team can learn to operate it successfully.

Benefits of SureMDM

Deploying SureMDM in your organisation translates into more security, more control, higher productivity, and, most importantly, peace of mind. As business leaders and managers, we are constantly seeking more efficient and secure ways to maintain our devices- it’s all a part of the striving towards end-to-end operational excellence.

SureMDM helps you achieve these aspirations, providing an essential cog in the smooth day-to-day running of your organisation. With its powerfully integrated control features and the simplicity of its interface, this tool offers the best of both worlds – the complexity your organisation needs for thorough management and the user-friendliness that ensures ease of use.

The Features of SureMDM: Designed With Organisations in Mind

We know that every organisation is looking for unique, tangible ways to enhance operations, increase productivity and, very importantly, reduce downtime and maintenance costs. By now, you’ve learned how this product simplifies the task of managing and controlling your devices. 42gears’ SureMDM is engineered with features designed to offer you more – enhanced security, considerable savings in time and money, and heightened productivity. It’s a tool that aligns perfectly with any organisation’s pursuit of excellence.

Increased Security Compliance for Asset Management

One of the fundamental things that set SureMDM apart is its impressive security compliance. The software comes equipped with robust security measures, ensuring that all your data is protected from any unwarranted access. It offers options like geo-tagging and device lockdown during off-hours, providing a more secure way to protect your device data no matter where they are, which is excellent for handheld computers that may have confidential data access. This is a significant improvement for both commercial businesses and non-commercial organisations dealing with sensitive information across numerous locations daily.

Device Status Monitoring and Alerts

Nothing slows an organisation down more than lingering maintenance issues and unexpected downtime. By providing real-time device health monitoring and alerts, you no longer have to wait till things go wrong before you get them sorted. This proactive approach can lead to significant savings both in time and money, making your business more resilient and productive.

Multiple Deployment Options

SureMDM’s deployment options are worth noting, too. It offers flexibility with two deployment choices – cloud-hosted and on-premises. The cloud option is perfect for businesses keen on scalability and cost reduction. You get to reduce the overhead costs of maintaining on-site servers while still enjoying top-notch device control. However, we do recommend having a wireless site survey conducted beforehand to ensure the effectiveness of this deployment option.

If, on the other hand, your organisation prioritises having direct control over all hardware and software, the on-premises option would be ideal. In this setup, SureMDM is installed on your organisation’s servers, offering full control over your data and security, perfect for businesses that handle highly sensitive data.

No matter your choice of deployment, rest assured that SureMDM comes through as an effective, easy-to-use solution for device and asset management. While the cloud-hosted option might appeal to an ever-expanding retail chain seeking scalability and cost-effectiveness, the on-premises deployment might be the go-to for a healthcare organisation seeking to maintain granular control over their delicate patient data.

SureMDM Available at GSM Barcoding

At GSM Barcoding, we align ourselves with a range of excellent asset tracking solutions like 42gears’ SureMDM mobile asset management software because we want our customers to have tools that not only meet their requirements but even exceed them. Contact us today to find out what elements of your work will be fulfilled with this elite, new software.

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